Our Servers

For over seven years, we've been hosting public modded Minecraft servers. Explore our current offerings below and discover new experiences.

Custom and Partner Servers

We host servers for both our exclusive Horatius Modpacks and partner modpacks. New servers are always being added, ensuring there’s always something fresh to play.



In partnership with the incredible ZombieCraft team, we offer official public servers, including both PvE and PvP options. We're working closely with the developers to ensure you have the best experience possible.


Whats Coming Next?

Curious about our upcoming modpacks and servers? Join our Beta Network and get early access to new features, mods, and content.


Partner With Us?

Do you have a modpack and want to bring official servers to it? Partner with us! We work with Horatius Hosting to host, develop, and manage your server while sharing revenue with you.

For more details, apply to be a Horatius Hosting partner or contact our partnership manager via email: